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Why is there so much issues over Dapo Abiodun commissioners list – O.A.O

Why is there so much issues over Dapo Abiodun commissioners list – by OAO

I marvel more and more everyday at our politicians and political terrain in this country most especially my state Ogun.

How do you give someone the responsibility to act on your behalf, and when he does you start complaining about what he has done and a lot of issues are generated.

The first question I would like to ask is to find out from this by vuvuzellers if the people appointed are from Ogun state.

Secondly I will further like to ask if anybody in the list is not qualified to be a commissioner, I mean in terms of competency qualification and experience.

Thirdly what qualitative process or method has been agreed to be used when making appointments?

We all must understand that it’s only with the grace of God that any leader in Nigeria can perform because the expectations of people are beyond imagination

Been a very spiritual country we all have agreed whom ever was selected is the will of the Almighy and nobody can challenge GOD.

Further more it looks to me that all this ramblings is more or less saying that our Governor Dapo Abiodun does not know what he is doing.

May I please appeal to all Ogun State people that we all have all given the Governor a mandate and we should give him the opportunity and the time to implement is vision.

God willing we all will be alive to evaluate his performance after two years when he would have gone fifty percent into his first term in government.

OAO… it’s time to get it Right.

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