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The US Visa bans intended to Influence the peaceful Transfer of power will fail – Alh. Moisoro

The US Visa bans intended to Influence the peaceful Transfer of power will fail

The National Organizing Secretary of the foremost Support group in Nigeria the Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu Support Group (AATSG) with membership over 1.9 million members across Nigeria, Hf Dauda MoiSoro during his press conference warns the United States of America about the interference on the sovereignty of Nigeria based on misinformation.

The new policy of denying Visa to political Exposed individuals (PEP) is not morally or diplomatically correct since the process is still in court and the resolution is not yet in sight. America issues Visa bans on selected Nigerians for Election interference!

Did any Nation issue similar bans against Americans?

Trump has assured the world that the last election in the US was rigged.

If Nations of the world did not use hearsay, from Trump, to block Americans from entering their country, why is America blocking Nigerians with nary a proof!?

“Wherever any of those elections may have been rigged or democracy undermined, it can only be properly determined by our election tribunals and courts, after all the facts and evidence have been adduced, examined and determined. Not determined by any distant and/or partisan foreign government or power.”

This American action suggests it is an attempt to interfere with Nigerian sovereignty, and it is clearly out of character. Did any Nation ban Mr Trump, for being found liable for sex abuse, and/or being indicted for corruption(hush money) and provoking violence!? No! But America wants to use its double standards on Nigerians alone.

No election is ever perfect, including the ones held inside America itself. So, ours in Nigeria is not perfect either, but is getting better everyday. We expect America to support democracy, not destroy it.

Hf Dauda MoiSoro

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