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The INEC de-registration can’t stand a litmus test I appeal for calm -Dr Sam Eke

The INEC de-registration cannot stand a litmus test I appeal for calm.

GPN National Chairman
Dr Sam Eke

The news of the deregistration of 74 political party’s recently announced is another blow to democracy in Nigeria, from our stand point the current leadership of the country has organized another coup detat against the good people of Nigeria and democracy.

We are aware of the grand plan to turn the country into a single party state, but we are convinced that they will not achieve there plans as long as we have a constitutional backing

The reasons they have intentional contravened the electoral law that indicates that party’s can only be deregistered when the following criteria are not meet.

INEC shall have the power to deregister a political party, in the following circumstances

a. If the party breaches any of the conditions for registration
b. Failure to win 25 percent of votes cast in
i. one state of the Federation in a Presidential election
ii. one local government of a state in a Governorship election

c. failure to win at least
i. one ward in a chairmanship election
ii. one seat in the National or state Assembly election
iii. one seat in the councillorship election

It is amazing that several political party’s that have not even Gone round the electoral circle as at when inec smuggled the unpopular provision into the electoral act as amended in 2017 are been deregistered against the law.

From our understanding the circles starts with the presidency to local government elections. We are all aware that the process is yet to be completed.

More worrisome is that some of the deregistered political party’s are nearly nine months and are yet to fully participate in a complete circle of election in Nigeria.

Secondly the are series of cases in the court restricting INEC from deregistering political party’s which they have been served and it’s in process, we cannot understand the hurry in deregistering political party’s. The judgment on this case against INEC deregistering political party’s is set for 17th February, 2020 since all the while INEC refused to honor the court sittings.

I appeal to all our committed members of the Green Party of Nigeria that they should not be disturbed by the orchestrated and deliberate act to frustrate democracy by the power brokers and INEC in other to demoralize them as the constitution of Nigeria is bigger than any body or any groups of people and we will a take redress as appropriate.

In the coming days after the emergency meeting that would be called for critical stake holders of the party soon.


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