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OPINION: Oba Akiolu again @ Oluwole landgrabing…

OPINION: Oba Akiolu again @ Oluwole landgrabing… Yemisi-Coker Disagrees With Akiolu Over Oluwole Land. A Human Right Activist, former Deputy-Chairman of Lagos Island Local Government Council and Political Leader of the popular Oluwole area of Lagos Island, Alhaji Abdulbaqee Yemisi-Coker, has refused to be intimidated by might and connections of the Paramount Ruler of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, when in a toughly warded letter dated 21st December 2018, which he sent to the Oba of Lagos, he advised the Oba to go to court, to establish his clam over the vast parcel of Oluwole area, rather than taking law into his hands, by directing The Area Commander of Area A police Command, to give the members of the community a Verbal 7 Days Quit Notice.

The Area Commander, on Thursday 21st. December 2018, invited some elders of the community to convey the message of the Oba, who is a retired Assistant Inspector General of Police to them and immediately after the meeting, community elders proceeded, in a completely disturb state minds, to meet Asiwaju Yemisi-Coker, who immediately calm them and told them that, the Oba’s over the place shall not the light of the day, as the action of the Traditional Ruler, according to him was Illegality and promised to deal with the matter.

That was why he wrote the letter, to the Oba and promised to lead the resistance against what ever action the Oba might decide to take after the failure on the members of the community to comply with the verbal order and described the Kabiyesi a COMPLETE STRANGER, as far as Oluwole land blank is concerned the letter, that he was in Oluwole, As part of actions to fight the traditional ruler, the Human Right Activist who claims to have been leading the community for over 29 years, said that he has not come across the interest of the Oba of Lagos in respect of any part of Oluwole land, he also urged Oba Akiolu to take the matter of law and to prevent the Oba from any action that could be detrimental to the members of the Yemisi-Coker has taken the matter “The Court Of Public Opinion”

To get the full gist of Yemisi-Coker’s reactions to the Oba’s Order, pls go through the letter he sent to the Oba, which he copied Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, Prince Tajudeen O. Olusi, The Chairman, Lagos Island Local Government and other necessary people, reproduced below.

21st December, 2018
His Majesty,
Oba Rilwan Babatunde Aremu Akiolu (1)
Oba of Lagos,
Iga Iduganran,
Iduganran Street,

I humbly greet your Majesty, by saying KABIYESI, in the traditional way, a well cultured Yoruba son, would do to a 1st Class Traditional Ruler, I also greet you, in the name of Almighty ALLAH (King of all kings, Who created your Majesty and Who COMMANDED me and all other human creatures to obey and respect, who so ever occupies the extol office, which your Majesty is presently occupying,
Almighty Allah, in the same vain DIRECTS all leaders (including your Majesty) to take good care of their SUBJECTS and do not only WARNS them, not to make life difficult for them, He also ORDERS that, they MUSTbe just in in the ways and manners they rule over them and He also made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR to them, that they MUST be prepared to account for the ways and manners they ruled over their subjects, on the day of His reckoning)
With hope to see, if I could convince your Majesty on the failure and disgrace result awaiting your Majesty, on whatever your reactions, would be, after the refusal on the part of the community to comply with the above mentioned notice, which came to the members of the community (Including my humble self) from a COMPLETE STRANGER, as regard your ROOT OF TITLE to the place and as one we have no business with, regarding, our right of peacefully stay in the place in question, which emanated from the present owners of the place (Lagos State Government)
We are temporarily occupying the place at the mercy of the state government and that is the only entity that has the tight to give us a QUITY NOTICE that must not be contested.
I am therefore respectfully sending this letter to your Majesty, as one of your loyal and obedient Subject in my capacity as the Incontrovertible Leader of the Oluwole Community of Lagos Island Ward A2, who for the last 29 years have been in the forefront, in legal battles against the Lagos State Government and negotiation meetings with several past governments of the state (both Military and Civilian) over our rights of occupation and the implementation of the terms and conditions of the accusations of the area, by the Colonial Administration of Lagos, through, Notice No 347 of 1951 as contained Legal Notice No3 of 1952.
This started in 1989, when I led some other prominent members of the community to institute a legal action against the Brigadier-General Raji Rasaki Military administration, that suddenly attempted to demolish the enclave, without complying fully with the terms and conditions of the above stated accusations.
As a result of our well marshaled case, we eventually got an Injunction that, stopped the RASCALITY of the state government, via a ruling delivered by Justice Olusola Wusu, of the Lagos High Court, which eventually led to a out-of-court settlement of the matter, initiated at the instance of late Sir Micheal Otedola administration.
Since our ability to get an injunction against the government’s unholy action in 1989, I have continued to lead the Oluwole land owners to series of meetings with, the late Sir Micheal Otedola, Brigadier-General Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Brigadier-General Buba Maruwa, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola regimes of Lagos, hence, my present action against your Majesty’s ultimatum, is in continuation of my leadership position which was acknowledged by His Excellency, MR BABATUNDE RAJI FASHOLA, as the Lagos State governor appreciated, when he said “………, and specially by Mr Yemisi Coker who acted more as as arbitrator between the government and the various family interest. I thank Mr Yemisi Coker publicly, on behalf of the government and people of Lagos. You have served your people diligently and strengthen my position that People do not need title to serve” the encomium was showered on me, in no other place, than in OLUWOLEwhere I was born and bread
This formed part of the Governor’s speech, when he came for the commissioning of Oluwole Urban Mall, I have therefore attached the photocopy of relevant page of the brochure of the occasion and marked same “Annixture A”
Your Majesty, I wish to also put, clearly on record that the people who are presently occupying Olowole Area are family members of the of original land owners (OMO ONILE) who were authorized by the Lagos State Government, to keep the place busy so that, the land would not turn into a forest or illegal refuse dump, as well as to prevent the place from becoming a hide out for hoodlums.
The OMO ONILES and Children of old tenants of the demolished buildings that are presently using same, to make their daily sources of livelihood, they were also authorized by the Lagos Island Local Government, to use part of the place as Car Park.
Some of the place are also being used to sell foods and series of haberdashery, shoes and other fashion items. Apart from that, some of the place were constructed as kee klamp and rented out to traders from other parts of the Lagos State and the cool money (Rents) accruable from these are regularly being sheared by the youth of the area, most of who are graduates, but not gainfully employed, with which they keep life and souls together.
No wonder, this arraignment by leadership of the community makes the Oluwole youth, to shun violence and have largely responsible for their refusal to engage in acts of hooliganism and rioting, as always being experience in most of other areas of Lagos Island Day in Day out.
Kabiyesi, I wish to put on record, that I am taking this bold action again, as I have always been doing, as I cannot close my eyes when injustice is being perpetuated against my people and I, especially when such TRANSGRESSION was brought into my place of birth, what legacies am I bequeathing to the next generations if I keep quite in this situation?
From 1989 to date, is 29 years, which I have been leading the Oluwole people and throughout out this number of years I never came across the interest of the Oba of Lagos in any part of Oluwole land and at the same time, I cannot say that your Majesty’s claim was in correct, but saying LOUDLY, that such claim should be subjected to test of the court and if it passes the test, the court will now order Lagos State, who now owns property as a result of the above mentioned acquisition,to surrender same to your Majesty.
My highly respected Kabiyesi, your present action, thus not only amount to ‘self-help” it also clearly shows that you are taking “laws in to your hands” and lastly, i have seen it as a grand style of showing your powerful connection as a retired Assistant Inspector General of Police, to intimidate and put thousands of your Majesty’s poor subjects into, an unnecessary and untold hardship, despite the facts, that most of them are currently facing hardships created by the PDP’s 16 inglorious years of administration and are just managing to survive.
With due respect Kabiyesi, your 7 days’ notice shall expire on Thursday 27 December 2018, when everybody shall looking forward to enter the New Year in good mood. How would you fee, if your name began to be associated with acts that would lead thousands of your subjects into PANDEMONIUM and reduce their wellbeing, from bad to worse?
As it has been rumored, that that your Majesty have arranged, several lorry loads of Mobile Policemen to be drafted to Oluwole to eject us illegally, without minding, the fact that some may lose their lives and properties in the process or aftermath of such wicked act may also course the untimely deaths of some.
As such am equally using this medium to say in a very CLEAR TERMS that I am READY and PREPARED to lead the RESISTANCE of the ILLEGALITY.
Do your Majesty ever realized that your plans on Oluwole, are in sharp contrast with the hopes of APC leadership to get, as usual over 2500 votes that come from the 3 Pooling booths located in that area alone, by your action to disorganize the potential voters?
Kabiyesi, As a LAWYER by Profession and the Traditional Ruler of one the most civilized cities in Nigeria, there is nowhere in the world you can successfully defend your actions over Oluwole, I therefore which to remind your Majesty of the common saying that ” HE WHO COMES TO EQUTY MUST COME WITH CLEAN HANDS” so I beg of your Majesty, to please STOP creating problems for down trodden people of Oluwole, we may be powerless, but we have Allah and He who have Allah is majority.
If you have a case with the Oluwole People, Kabiyesi Please, Please and Please GO TO COURT, anything outside that is ILLEGALITY, Moblie Policemen are no Officials of Deputy Sheriff of Lagos High Court, empowered by the Constitution of Nigeria to hand over a disputed landed property to the eventual winners of court cases.
Though, Kabiyesi, you have on several occasions, refused to be addressed as Kabiyesi, according to your Majesty, Allah remains, the only Kabiyesi, but your actions, most of the times (including the issue at hand) have made me to believe that, such pronouncements of yours, are nothing but a mere words of mouth, as your actions are always in sharp contrast to pronouncements
E joo Kabiyesi, E je ogun o mi. Eko oni baje. Itesiwaju Eko lo’ je wa l’ogun. Igbe ga Eko, ajumo se ni.

Yours Faithful Subject


  1. Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
  2. The, Lagos State, Governor.
  3. Prince Tajudeen O. Olusi (APC Lagos Central Senatorial Leader)
  4. The Lagos State, Commissioner of Police,
  5. The Area Commander, Area A (Nigerian Police)
  6. The Lagos Island Local Government Council
  7. Rt. Hon. Wasiu Eshilokun Sanni (Our Representative, L S H A)
  8. Hon. Dolapo Badru
  9. The Lagos Island Chairman
  10. Mrs. Aderinsola Disu (Lagos Island Ward A Leader)
  11. Hon. Rasheed Giwa (Lagos Island Ward A Leader)
  12. The Presss & Social Media
  13. The Court of Public Public Opinion.Yemisi-Coker Disagrees With Akiolu Over Oluwole Land
    A Human Right Activist, former Deputy-Chairman of Lagos Island Local Government Council and Political Leader of the popular Oluwole area of Lagos Island, Alhaji Abdulbaqee Yemisi-Coker, has refused to be intimidated by might and connections of the Paramount Ruler of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, when in a toughly warded letter dated 21st December 2018, which he sent to the Oba of Lagos, he advised the Oba to go to court, to establish his clam over the vast parcel of Oluwole area, rather than taking law into his hands, by directing The Area Commander of Area A police Command, to give the members of the community a Verbal 7 Days Quit Notice.

The Area Commander, on Thursday 21st. December 2018, invited some elders of the community to convey the message of the Oba, who is a retired Assistant Inspector General of Police to them and immediately after the meeting, community elders proceeded, in a completely disturb state minds, to meet Asiwaju Yemisi-Coker, who immediately calm them and told them that, the Oba’s over the place shall not the light of the day, as the action of the Traditional Ruler, according to him was Illegality and promised to deal with the matter.

That was why he wrote the letter, to the Oba and promised to lead the resistance against what ever action the Oba might decide to take after the failure on the members of the community to comply with the verbal order and described the Kabiyesi a COMPLETE STRANGER, as far as Oluwole land blank is concerned the letter, that he was in Oluwole, As part of actions to fight the traditional ruler, the Human Right Activist who claims to have been leading the community for over 29 years, said that he has not come across the interest of the Oba of Lagos in respect of any part of Oluwole land, he also urged Oba Akiolu to take the matter of law and to prevent the Oba from any action that could be detrimental to the members of the Yemisi-Coker has taken the matter “The Court Of Public Opinion”

To get the full gist of Yemisi-Coker’s reactions to the Oba’s Order, pls go through the letter he sent to the Oba, which he copied Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, Prince Tajudeen O. Olusi, The Chairman, Lagos Island Local Government and other necessary people, reproduced below.

21st December, 2018
His Majesty,
Oba Rilwan Babatunde Aremu Akiolu (1)
Oba of Lagos,
Iga Iduganran,
Iduganran Street,

I humbly greet your Majesty, by saying KABIYESI, in the traditional way, a well cultured Yoruba son, would do to a 1st Class Traditional Ruler, I also greet you, in the name of Almighty ALLAH (King of all kings, Who created your Majesty and Who COMMANDED me and all other human creatures to obey and respect, who so ever occupies the extol office, which your Majesty is presently occupying,
Almighty Allah, in the same vain DIRECTS all leaders (including your Majesty) to take good care of their SUBJECTS and do not only WARNS them, not to make life difficult for them, He also ORDERS that, they MUSTbe just in in the ways and manners they rule over them and He also made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR to them, that they MUST be prepared to account for the ways and manners they ruled over their subjects, on the day of His reckoning)
With hope to see, if I could convince your Majesty on the failure and disgrace result awaiting your Majesty, on whatever your reactions, would be, after the refusal on the part of the community to comply with the above mentioned notice, which came to the members of the community (Including my humble self) from a COMPLETE STRANGER, as regard your ROOT OF TITLE to the place and as one we have no business with, regarding, our right of peacefully stay in the place in question, which emanated from the present owners of the place (Lagos State Government)
We are temporarily occupying the place at the mercy of the state government and that is the only entity that has the tight to give us a QUITY NOTICE that must not be contested.
I am therefore respectfully sending this letter to your Majesty, as one of your loyal and obedient Subject in my capacity as the Incontrovertible Leader of the Oluwole Community of Lagos Island Ward A2, who for the last 29 years have been in the forefront, in legal battles against the Lagos State Government and negotiation meetings with several past governments of the state (both Military and Civilian) over our rights of occupation and the implementation of the terms and conditions of the accusations of the area, by the Colonial Administration of Lagos, through, Notice No 347 of 1951 as contained Legal Notice No3 of 1952.
This started in 1989, when I led some other prominent members of the community to institute a legal action against the Brigadier-General Raji Rasaki Military administration, that suddenly attempted to demolish the enclave, without complying fully with the terms and conditions of the above stated accusations.
As a result of our well marshaled case, we eventually got an Injunction that, stopped the RASCALITY of the state government, via a ruling delivered by Justice Olusola Wusu, of the Lagos High Court, which eventually led to a out-of-court settlement of the matter, initiated at the instance of late Sir Micheal Otedola administration.
Since our ability to get an injunction against the government’s unholy action in 1989, I have continued to lead the Oluwole land owners to series of meetings with, the late Sir Micheal Otedola, Brigadier-General Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Brigadier-General Buba Maruwa, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola regimes of Lagos, hence, my present action against your Majesty’s ultimatum, is in continuation of my leadership position which was acknowledged by His Excellency, MR BABATUNDE RAJI FASHOLA, as the Lagos State governor appreciated, when he said “………, and specially by Mr Yemisi Coker who acted more as as arbitrator between the government and the various family interest. I thank Mr Yemisi Coker publicly, on behalf of the government and people of Lagos. You have served your people diligently and strengthen my position that People do not need title to serve” the encomium was showered on me, in no other place, than in OLUWOLEwhere I was born and bread
This formed part of the Governor’s speech, when he came for the commissioning of Oluwole Urban Mall, I have therefore attached the photocopy of relevant page of the brochure of the occasion and marked same “Annixture A”
Your Majesty, I wish to also put, clearly on record that the people who are presently occupying Olowole Area are family members of the of original land owners (OMO ONILE) who were authorized by the Lagos State Government, to keep the place busy so that, the land would not turn into a forest or illegal refuse dump, as well as to prevent the place from becoming a hide out for hoodlums.
The OMO ONILES and Children of old tenants of the demolished buildings that are presently using same, to make their daily sources of livelihood, they were also authorized by the Lagos Island Local Government, to use part of the place as Car Park.
Some of the place are also being used to sell foods and series of haberdashery, shoes and other fashion items. Apart from that, some of the place were constructed as kee klamp and rented out to traders from other parts of the Lagos State and the cool money (Rents) accruable from these are regularly being sheared by the youth of the area, most of who are graduates, but not gainfully employed, with which they keep life and souls together.
No wonder, this arraignment by leadership of the community makes the Oluwole youth, to shun violence and have largely responsible for their refusal to engage in acts of hooliganism and rioting, as always being experience in most of other areas of Lagos Island Day in Day out.
Kabiyesi, I wish to put on record, that I am taking this bold action again, as I have always been doing, as I cannot close my eyes when injustice is being perpetuated against my people and I, especially when such TRANSGRESSION was brought into my place of birth, what legacies am I bequeathing to the next generations if I keep quite in this situation?
From 1989 to date, is 29 years, which I have been leading the Oluwole people and throughout out this number of years I never came across the interest of the Oba of Lagos in any part of Oluwole land and at the same time, I cannot say that your Majesty’s claim was in correct, but saying LOUDLY, that such claim should be subjected to test of the court and if it passes the test, the court will now order Lagos State, who now owns property as a result of the above mentioned acquisition,to surrender same to your Majesty.
My highly respected Kabiyesi, your present action, thus not only amount to ‘self-help” it also clearly shows that you are taking “laws in to your hands” and lastly, i have seen it as a grand style of showing your powerful connection as a retired Assistant Inspector General of Police, to intimidate and put thousands of your Majesty’s poor subjects into, an unnecessary and untold hardship, despite the facts, that most of them are currently facing hardships created by the PDP’s 16 inglorious years of administration and are just managing to survive.
With due respect Kabiyesi, your 7 days’ notice shall expire on Thursday 27 December 2018, when everybody shall looking forward to enter the New Year in good mood. How would you fee, if your name began to be associated with acts that would lead thousands of your subjects into PANDEMONIUM and reduce their wellbeing, from bad to worse?
As it has been rumored, that that your Majesty have arranged, several lorry loads of Mobile Policemen to be drafted to Oluwole to eject us illegally, without minding, the fact that some may lose their lives and properties in the process or aftermath of such wicked act may also course the untimely deaths of some.
As such am equally using this medium to say in a very CLEAR TERMS that I am READY and PREPARED to lead the RESISTANCE of the ILLEGALITY.
Do your Majesty ever realized that your plans on Oluwole, are in sharp contrast with the hopes of APC leadership to get, as usual over 2500 votes that come from the 3 Pooling booths located in that area alone, by your action to disorganize the potential voters?
Kabiyesi, As a LAWYER by Profession and the Traditional Ruler of one the most civilized cities in Nigeria, there is nowhere in the world you can successfully defend your actions over Oluwole, I therefore which to remind your Majesty of the common saying that ” HE WHO COMES TO EQUTY MUST COME WITH CLEAN HANDS” so I beg of your Majesty, to please STOP creating problems for down trodden people of Oluwole, we may be powerless, but we have Allah and He who have Allah is majority.
If you have a case with the Oluwole People, Kabiyesi Please, Please and Please GO TO COURT, anything outside that is ILLEGALITY, Moblie Policemen are no Officials of Deputy Sheriff of Lagos High Court, empowered by the Constitution of Nigeria to hand over a disputed landed property to the eventual winners of court cases.
Though, Kabiyesi, you have on several occasions, refused to be addressed as Kabiyesi, according to your Majesty, Allah remains, the only Kabiyesi, but your actions, most of the times (including the issue at hand) have made me to believe that, such pronouncements of yours, are nothing but a mere words of mouth, as your actions are always in sharp contrast to pronouncements
E joo Kabiyesi, E je ogun o mi. Eko oni baje. Itesiwaju Eko lo’ je wa l’ogun. Igbe ga Eko, ajumo se ni.

Yours Faithful Subject


  1. Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu
  2. The, Lagos State, Governor.
  3. Prince Tajudeen O. Olusi (APC Lagos Central Senatorial Leader)
  4. The Lagos State, Commissioner of Police,
  5. The Area Commander, Area A (Nigerian Police)
  6. The Lagos Island Local Government Council
  7. Rt. Hon. Wasiu Eshilokun Sanni (Our Representative, L S H A)
  8. Hon. Dolapo Badru
  9. The Lagos Island Chairman
  10. Mrs. Aderinsola Disu (Lagos Island Ward A Leader)
  11. Hon. Rasheed Giwa (Lagos Island Ward A Leader)
  12. The Presss & Social Media
  13. The Court of Public Public Opinion.
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