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Nigeria Shall Rise Again – Abayomi Odunowo

Nigeria Shall Rise Again – Abayomi Odunowo.

In the face of adversity and division, Nigeria shall rise again. The disintegration of Nigeria has been a long-standing goal for some individuals who seek to benefit from the turmoil and chaos that would inevitably follow such an event. These “evil doers” continue to promote disintegration by sowing seeds of discord among the various ethnic and religious groups in the country. They fuel ethnic and religious tensions, stoke the flames of hatred, and propagate misinformation to further their agenda of division and disintegration.

Despite their efforts, Nigeria continues to stand strong and tall. The resilience of the Nigerian people, particularly the youth, is evident in their unwavering passion and determination to overcome the challenges that face the nation. The recent victory of the Nigerian super eagles in the semi-finals match against South Africa showcased the unity and pride of the Nigerian people. The passion and enthusiasm displayed by the Nigerian youth in social media clips following the victory is a testament to their unwavering dedication to the unity and prosperity of Nigeria.

While the evil doers may continue to promote disintegration, their efforts remain futile in the face of the indomitable spirit of the Nigerian people. As we move forward, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and united in the face of attempts to sow discord and division. Together, we can continue to build a stronger and more prosperous Nigeria for generations to come.

Throughout history, there have been individuals and groups who have sought to undermine the love and affection that binds us together as a society. These nefarious actors have plotted and schemed to sow discord and division, with the ultimate goal of tearing us apart. However, they have consistently underestimated the resilience and determination of the Nigerian people.

Since its creation in 1914, Nigeria has faced numerous challenges and threats to its unity. Yet, despite the efforts of those who seek to destroy us, Nigeria still stands today. Our love and affection for each other have proven to be stronger than any attempt to divide us.

One recent demonstration of this unwavering unity was seen after our football victory against South Africa on the 7th of February, 2024. The outpouring of joy and celebration across the country was a powerful reminder of the bonds that connect us as a nation. Despite the efforts of those who seek to destroy our unity, the love and affection we have for one another will always prevail.

As we look to the future, we can be confident that Nigeria will continue to stand strong. Our commitment to each other and our shared values will ensure that no force can break the bonds that unite us. Together, we will overcome any challenge and emerge even stronger, with love and affection as our guiding principles.

Dooms day – monger’s and Separatist Agitators have been attempting to tear Nigeria apart for years, but their ultimate agenda has continued to fail. Despite their efforts to stoke division and discord, Nigeria has remained standing strong, fueled by the passion, commitment, and patriotism of its young citizens. These individuals, untainted by bigoted tribal hatred, have been instrumental in ensuring that Nigeria continues to wax stronger, and will ultimately lead the country to a better and brighter future.

Nigeria, a nation with a rich and diverse tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions, has long been a target for those seeking to sow the seeds of discord. From the Biafran War in the late 1960s to the ongoing agitation for a separate state of Biafra, separatist movements have continually attempted to divide the country along ethnic and tribal lines. These movements, often led by doom-mongerers who peddle fear and despair, have sought to create an atmosphere of mistrust and animosity among Nigerians. However, their efforts have been continually thwarted by the unwavering resolve of young Nigerians who are committed to the unity and prosperity of their country.

The passion of young Nigerians, a generation not burdened by the prejudices of the past, has been a driving force in counteracting the divisive rhetoric of separatist agitators. These individuals, empowered by a deep love for their country, have sought to bridge the gaps between different ethnic and tribal groups, and have worked tirelessly to promote understanding and unity. Through their advocacy, activism, and engagement in the political process, they have demonstrated a commitment to building a Nigeria that is inclusive, equitable, and just for all its citizens.

Furthermore, the patriotism of young Nigerians has served as a powerful antidote to the poison of tribal hatred that separatist agitators seek to spread. Rather than succumbing to the divisive narratives that seek to pit one group against another, young Nigerians have embraced a vision of a united and indivisible Nigeria. They have celebrated the diversity of their country, recognizing that it is the source of strength and resilience, and have rejected the notion that ethnic or tribal affiliations should be used to sow discord and division.

The commitment of young Nigerians to the unity and prosperity of their country has been evident in their active participation in various spheres of civic life. From volunteering in their communities, to organizing grassroots movements, to advocating for policies that promote social justice and economic opportunity, they have shown that they are not content to be mere bystanders in the destiny of their nation. Their dedication to creating positive change and building a better future for Nigeria has been a powerful force in pushing back against the narratives of doom-mongerers and separatist agitators.

In conclusion, it is clear that Nigeria’s future rests in the hands of its young citizens, not in the divisive agenda of doom-mongerers and separatist agitators. The passion, commitment, and patriotism of young Nigerians, untainted by tribal hatred, will continue to ensure that the country stands strong and united. As they work tirelessly to bridge divides, promote understanding, and advocate for a better Nigeria, they will ultimately lead the country towards a brighter future. They are the true architects of Nigeria’s destiny, and their unwavering commitment to the unity and prosperity of their country is a testament to the resilience and strength of Nigeria as one nation, indivisible. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria – one country, one destiny. Together, we will work towards a better life for all, and the future that we all deserve. 🇳🇬

#NigeriaShallRiseAgain #OneNigeria #UnityInDiversity #Patriotism #StrengthInUnity #BetterTogether

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
10th February, 2024

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