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Fashola As The New Sheriff of Propaganda

Fashola As The New Sheriff of Propaganda. Ever since Tunde Fashola graduated from his crash course of blame game, done in the University of Propaganda—where Lai Mohammed is the pioneer vice chancellor, his life has never been the same again. The Fashola we revered as governor of Lagos State, has nosedived from his olympian height of excellence to the ignoble pit of cluelessness and gross incompetence. He has practically become a shadow of himself; since joining the voyage of cluelessness—called President Buhari’s government. After sending Lai Mohammed on sabbatical leave to learn more on advanced propaganda by the government, Fashola has redefined propaganda of this administration, by taking it to the NEXT LEVEL; even before elections. As the new Sheriff of propaganda in town, he has done propagation of falsehood and buck-passing very well, to the extent that Lai Mohammed is not only looking like a failure already, but at the high risk of being asked to proceed on his retirement from his sabbatical leave.

As the Chief Propagandist and renowned spin doctor, If Fashola is not telling us how the PDP “looted” our destinies and kidneys, he will be lecturing us on how the PDP “looted” our brains—to the extent that Nigeria can “boast” of 40 million mad people (which are predominantly the APC members anyway). Very soon, the PDP will be attacked for making Fashola’s hair grew grey rapidly in the last three years. The minister of tripod influential ministries of Power, Works and Housing, has become a prison of his own verbal diarrhea. He recently swum in the muddy river of ethno-religious bigotry, by asking Southwesterners to re-elect Buhari—not for the sole propose of good governance, or his landmark achievements but parochial cum provincial interest of returning power to Yorubas in 2023. He got roasted on social media for trying to play that tribal card.

In the last few weeks, Fashola has been parroting extremely hard to absolve this government of any failure, having been griped by palpable election fever of impending defeat—seeing the quakes torpedoing the political landscape, being caused by #Hurricane Atiku. He talks carelessly, sometimes I wonder what actually befell the Governor Fashola we used to know. After relegating the pioneer Propaganda Field Marshall of the APC called Lai Mohammed, Fashola is invariably in a cold contest to outdo Festus Keyamo as spokesman of President Buhari’s campaign. The hitherto respected Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), has become an object of mockery and ridicule in the “hallowed” chamber of Beer-Parlour Parliament. How are the mighty fallen! Whither Fashola! Was this man overrated? Was he a mere creation of Lagos-Ibadan Expressway media? Really pathetic.

Karma is truly a merciless bitch. The law of reciprocal reaction—sowing and reaping, is no respecter of any man. When Fashola, as governor of Lagos State, was obsessed with hauling attacks at President Jonathan, little did he know that what goes around comes around. He detested Jonathan so much that he blamed unfortunate heinous Lagos bank robbery that claimed lives of police men and civilians, on President Jonathan’s visit to the state. Fashola was the poster boy of the APC’s venomous outbursts on the last administration. In order to synchronize Jonathan’s government with incompetence and cluelessness—by extension de-market the PDP, he said that any serious government would fix power (electricity) in six months. When he was pontificating & grandstanding, karma laid ambush for him.

Tunde Fashola became minister of power, works and housing in 2015. Nigerians expected him to hit the ground running, rather, he crash-landed into ocean of propaganda, excuses and blame game; commiting several blunders along the line. Three years after, Fashola is yet to fix power! Instead, like typical of the APC leaders, who are genetically wired to lie and renege on their promises, Fashola has denied ever making such utterance. In fact, he has challenged people like us, holding him accountable to provide “video evidence”. Can I also challenge Fashola to provide “video evidence” that he was governor of Lagos State? This is how daft and infantile his statements resonated with sane minds. To worsen the situation, he insulted collective intelligence of Nigerians again, by telling us not to blame Federal Government for epileptic power supply. His flawed narrative is that, generating and distributing companies should take the responsibility not him as minister of power. What a warped and prejudiced thinking! This is the height of recklessness and irresponsibility on the part of President Buhari’s government. Voting out this fetid and clueless administration has become a clarion call.

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