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AATSG demands 45% women participation in 2023

AATSG demands 45% women participation in 2023 In 2016 we advised on the way to go on power, they said they understood, we told BRF that he will fail Nigerians with power.


He is still applying same approach , methods and logic that has been canvassed in 16years that has failed us.

If I was in charge of power in Nigeria, I would deliver 10,000MW in 5 years, create 4,000 new power millionaire and generate 1million jobs.

And delivery will be measurable over every 90 days nationwide. Distributed Generation delivered with renewables and storage is the way to go.

Everything else is a mirage!!!!

And he failed us…..

now let’s go for 100,000MW in 5 years!!!!

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