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Is this the Nigeria we really want – Abayomi Odunowo.

Is this the Nigeria we really want? -Abayomi Odunowo.

Unfortunately, our problem has nothing to do with the mentality or morality of our leaders. President Bola Tinubu now faces a critical test of his leadership as he has always been a proponent of true federalism for effective governance. Now, as the president, he is faced with the responsibility of making it a reality, especially now that the Legislative has ascended to full autonomy of the local government. He must use his experience to ensure that the 36 states house of assembly assent to this within the next 90 days.

President Bola Tinubu has long been known as a champion of true federalism. He firmly believes that for effective governance, power must be decentralized and that each state should have more autonomy to govern its own affairs. This belief is deeply rooted in his political ideology and has been a driving force behind many of the policies and reforms he has advocated for throughout his career.

As the president, Bola Tinubu now finds himself in a position to actualize his long-standing vision of true federalism. The recent ascension of the Legislative to full autonomy of the local government presents a unique opportunity for President Tinubu to push for further decentralization of power and authority.

It is imperative that President Tinubu uses his experience and influence to rally the support of the 36 states house of assembly to assent to this crucial measure within the next 90 days. This is a monumental task that requires strong leadership, strategic negotiations, and effective communication to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and committed to the cause.

President Tinubu must leverage his political acumen and relationships with key stakeholders to garner the necessary support for this critical reform. He must engage in high-level discussions with state governors, lawmakers, and other influential leaders to build consensus and drive momentum for true federalism. Additionally, President Tinubu must utilize his persuasive abilities to appeal to the public and garner their support for this transformative change.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, President Tinubu must adopt a hands-on approach and be actively involved in every stage of the process. He must lead by example and demonstrate his unwavering commitment to the cause, setting the tone for others to follow. President Tinubu must also foster a collaborative environment where all parties feel included and valued, creating a sense of ownership and accountability for the success of this endeavor.

President Tinubu’s leadership is critical in this defining moment for our nation. His ability to navigate through complex political dynamics, build alliances, and inspire collective action will determine the success of this reform. This is not just an opportunity for President Tinubu to leave a lasting legacy, but a chance for him to drive meaningful change that will transform the political landscape of our country for generations to come.

Moreover, the timely implementation of true federalism is crucial for the prosperity and stability of our nation. By decentralizing power and promoting inclusivity, true federalism will create a more equitable and responsive governance system that represents the diverse needs and interests of each state. This will not only strengthen our democratic institutions but also foster greater civic engagement and participation, leading to a more cohesive and harmonious society.

President Bola Tinubu must rise to the occasion and use his leadership to ensure that the 36 states house of assembly assent to true federalism within the next 90 days. This is a defining moment for our nation, and President Tinubu’s ability to rally support, build consensus, and inspire collective action will determine the success of this transformative reform. True federalism is not just a political ideology, but a fundamental principle that will shape the future of our nation. It is imperative that President Tinubu seizes this opportunity and fulfills his vision for a more equitable and responsive governance system that empowers each state to realize its full potential.

What we currently have is a dysfunctional superstructure that has stifled the growth and progress of our nation. The present rogue system is in dire need of reworking and resetting in order to pave the way for a truly Federal structure that allows for devolution of power and true Fiscal Federalism to emerge. Only then will responsible and responsive leaders be able to emerge on our socio-political stage.

The current system is one where power is concentrated at the center, with little to no regard for the needs and aspirations of the various regions and states within the country. This has led to a situation where the federal government wields all the power, resources, and decision-making authority, leaving the states and regions to fend for themselves. As a result, there is a lack of accountability and transparency in governance, and a disconnect between the leaders and the people they are meant to serve.

The failure of the current system is evident in the widespread corruption, nepotism, and abuse of power that have become characteristic of our political landscape. The concentration of power at the center has created a breeding ground for unscrupulous individuals to thrive, and has led to a situation where those in power are more concerned with self-preservation and personal gain than with the development and well-being of the nation.

In order to address this, it is necessary to dismantle the current rogue system and rework the structure of governance in a way that allows for the devolution of power and the practice of true Fiscal Federalism. This will require a complete overhaul of the existing system, and the implementation of new mechanisms that allow for greater autonomy and decision-making authority at the state and regional levels.

A truly Federal structure will ensure that power is shared among the various tiers of government, and that each state and region is able to govern itself in a way that is responsive to the needs of its people. This will also allow for greater transparency and accountability in governance, as leaders at the state and regional levels will be directly accountable to the people they serve.

True Fiscal Federalism will also ensure that each state and region is able to control its own resources and finances, and to make decisions about how these resources are utilized for the benefit of the people. This will not only empower the states and regions to develop and grow at their own pace, but will also ensure that the people are able to hold their leaders accountable for the decisions they make.

With the implementation of a truly Federal structure and true Fiscal Federalism, the emergence of responsible and responsive leaders on our socio-political stage will become inevitable. The decentralization of power will create a more level playing field for all aspiring leaders, and will allow for a greater diversity of voices and perspectives to be heard.

No matter how righteous and predictable a leader may be, if the structure within which they operate is dysfunctional, they will ultimately fail in their efforts to bring about positive change. Therefore, it is imperative that we rework and reset the country in a way that allows for the emergence of responsible and responsive leaders who are able to govern in the best interests of the people.

In conclusion, the current rogue system is a hindrance to the progress and development of our nation. By reworking and resetting the country to allow for a truly Federal structure and true Fiscal Federalism to emerge, we will create the conditions for responsible and responsive leaders to emerge on our socio-political stage. This is the only way to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the people are given the attention and priority they deserve, and that the nation is able to move forward on the path to progress and prosperity.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG.
8th February, 2024.

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