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Nigeria on the path of astronomical growth! – Abayomi Odunowo.

Nigeria on the path of astronomical growth! – Abayomi Odunowo.

When people are complaining about the allocation of 3 billion for the verification of the social register, they fail to acknowledge the importance of this process. This verification is essential in ensuring that government resources are not wasted on ghost beneficiaries, and that the support reaches those who truly need it. If we do not take appropriate measures to verify the social register, the risk of paying ghost people two million people N35,000 monthly for one year is very real.
This would equate to a staggering 2.1 trillion Naira being wasted over the course of a year, an amount that could be far better utilized in tackling the numerous issues facing our nation.

It is important that we do not overlook the long-term costs of neglecting the verification process. While 3 billion may appear to be a large sum, it pales in comparison to the potential losses that could arise from not conducting this crucial exercise. As such, it is imperative that we shift our focus from short-sighted complaints to a more holistic understanding of the situation at hand. It is crucial that we do not succumb to the temptation of being penny wise and pound foolish, but rather, we must prioritize the efficient and effective allocation of resources for the benefit of the nation as a whole.

Moreover, the recent criticism of the CoS to the president, Hon Femi Gbaja, is equally perplexing. The circulation of a memo conveying the approval of the president has sparked unnecessary controversy, as it is evident that the CoS was simply fulfilling his duties in accordance with the law. The unfounded attacks on the CoS are unwarranted, especially in light of the president’s reiterated confidence in his capabilities. It is disheartening to see individuals utilizing misinformation and pandering for their own agendas, rather than engaging in constructive and informed discourse.

In contrast to the baseless criticism being perpetuated, the president has recently demonstrated his commitment to advancing the nation with the approval of a N5.1 billion grant for SETI research. This initiative represents a significant step toward supporting scientific and technological innovation in Nigeria, a domain that has been neglected for far too long. This laudable endeavor exemplifies the president’s dedication to revitalizing the country and instilling a renewed sense of hope among its citizens. It is my sincere hope that state governments will emulate this example and prioritize the advancement of their respective regions in alignment with the national agenda.

Ultimately, the challenges facing our nation are complex and multifaceted, and it is essential that we approach them with a sense of pragmatism and discernment. By engaging in substantive dialogue and embracing constructive criticism, we can foster a culture of accountability and progress. It is imperative that we rise above the current climate of misinformation and unfounded attacks, and instead, work toward a Nigeria that embodies the values of integrity, transparency, and collective advancement. As we continue on this journey, it is my firm belief that our nation will indeed rise again, propelled by the tireless efforts of those committed to its prosperity and well-being.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG.
18th January, 2024.

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