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Nobody can stop your time. This powerful phrase holds so much truth and significance, especially when we look at the examples of Mordecai, Joseph, and David in the Bible. These individuals were destined for greatness, and no matter the obstacles or setbacks they faced, their time for elevation could not be halted.

In the story of Mordecai, we see how the King could not sleep when it was time for Mordecai to be elevated. This illustrates the divine timing and orchestration of God’s plans. It serves as a reminder that when it is your time for elevation, no one, not even the most powerful king, can stop it from happening. This is a powerful encouragement for all of us, knowing that when God has a plan for our lives, nothing and no one can stand in the way of His purpose being fulfilled.

Similarly, when we look at the story of Joseph, we see how every plan of the enemy only worked together for his good. Despite facing betrayal, imprisonment, and various hardships, Joseph’s journey ultimately led him to a position of great influence and authority. This serves as a testament to the fact that when it is your time for elevation, nothing can thwart the plans and purposes that God has for your life. Every setback and every challenge only serves to push you closer to the position that God has prepared for you.

And then there is the story of David, who was anointed to be king while Saul was still on the throne. Despite the odds stacked against him, his anointing for elevation could not be denied. This demonstrates the sovereignty of God’s timing and the breaking of protocol for the sake of His chosen ones. It doesn’t matter who currently occupies the position or what your current circumstances may be. When it is your time for elevation, God’s anointing will fall upon you, and protocol will be suspended for your sake.

These stories serve as powerful reminders that when it is your time for elevation, nobody can stop it. The plans and purposes that God has for your life will come to pass, regardless of the obstacles that may stand in the way. This is a message of hope and encouragement for all of us, especially in times of uncertainty and difficulty.

As we move forward into the year 2024, let us hold onto the truth that nobody can stop our time. Let us have faith and confidence in the divine timing and plans that God has for our lives. No matter the challenges or opposition that we may face, we can rest assured that everything will work together for our good. We can move forward with the assurance that it will be from glory to glory, as God’s timing and purpose for our lives unfold.

In conclusion, the phrase “nobody can stop your time” holds profound significance when we consider the stories of Mordecai, Joseph, and David. These examples serve as powerful reminders that when it is our time for elevation, nothing and no one can stand in the way of God’s plans and purposes being fulfilled. As we journey through the year 2024 and beyond, let us hold onto this truth and move forward with confidence, knowing that nobody can stop the time that God has set for us.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
12th January, 2024.

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