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The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake – O.A.O

The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.

In a world filled with complexities and uncertainties, it is often the simple beings that display the most courage and conviction. Plants, with their unyielding determination to bloom and thrive, often showcase a level of bravery that puts many humans to shame.

Take, for example, the orange tree. It would rather wither and perish than yield anything other than its intended fruits. Its roots run deep, anchoring it to its purpose and identity. In contrast, many people struggle with self-acceptance and authenticity, often choosing to mask their true selves in pursuit of societal acceptance.

Friendship, too, is a concept that eludes explanation. It cannot be taught in schools or learned through textbooks. It is a bond that is nurtured through shared experiences, kindness, and understanding. The impact of true friendship can shape not only our character but also our path to success.

Success, too, is not a solitary journey. It is intertwined with the acts of kindness and encouragement from those who have crossed our paths. We are, as the saying goes, made up of thousands of others, each contributing to the fabric of our character and our thoughts.

Yet, the pursuit of success is often fraught with failure, and this is where true innovation lies. It is in the embrace of failure that we push the boundaries of our potential, inspiring others to dream, learn, and become more.

However, not all those who cross our paths do so with good intentions. Fake friends, disguised as allies, seek to undermine our efforts and tarnish our legacies. Their actions teach us the value of discernment and the importance of genuine connections in our journey.

In this complex world, it is the wisdom of doubt that leads to true insight. The ability to question and change our minds opens the door to growth and enlightenment. It is through humility and a pursuit of truth that we find our way to the light.

In the story of Jeroboam, we see the consequences of deception and the harsh messages received when truth is hidden. The lessons of this tale, though ancient, are timeless and resonate with the struggles faced in modern times.

The distinction between human acts and acts of man further highlights the complexities of our decisions. It is the conscious, self-aware choices that shape our moral compass, a delicate balance of fear and responsibility.

Through it all, the simple orange tree, steadfast in its identity, teaches us the value of unwavering conviction. It is a reminder that in a world of complexities and ambiguities, the courage to stay true to oneself is a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Plants, it seems, are more courageous than almost all human beings. Their silent resilience speaks volumes, urging us to embrace authenticity, seek genuine connections, and find the courage to bloom, even in the face of adversity. And in doing so, we can aspire to be the leaders who inspire others to dream, learn, and become more.

Otunba Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
16th December, 2023.

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