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PDP to Buhari: Nigerians Don’t Deserve More Suffering … Says Atiku Offers Hope, Better Life

PDP to Buhari: Nigerians Don’t Deserve More Suffering
… Says Atiku Offers Hope, Better Life.
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), after a full appraisal of President Muhammadu Buhari’s statement that more hardship awaits Nigerians in the coming year, submits that the declaration is shocking and coveys the height of Mr. President’s insensitivity to the sufferings of Nigerians.

It is most painful that having suffered so much in the past three and half years, all that President Buhari can promise Nigerians is more suffering, at the time they are looking forward to a better life.

In this season, when leaders, the world over, are delivering messages of hope to their people, our own President is promising us more suffering and hardship.

One must indeed wonder what offence President Buhari is punishing Nigerians for, that he could so gleefully declare more suffering for them in the coming year.

But then, President Buhari has only confirmed what we have known all along; that he has wrecked our once robust economy, that he has no solutions to the challenges facing our country and that the situation can only get worse under his incompetent, corrupt and vindictive administration.

The PDP is however astonished by the audacity of President Buhari in expecting Nigerians to vote for him for another four years on a promise of ‘Next Level’ that will foist more hunger and suffering on our nation.

Indeed, if there is any persons that must tighten his belt, it is not the already impoverished Nigerians who have grown so thin that there is no extra holes left on their belts, but President Buhari, his close relatives and the cabal at the Presidency, who have been flaunting their opulent lifestyles financed with our common patrimony.

The Buhari Presidency has continued to increase its expensive running costs and has failed to offer any explanation or recover the over N11 trillion looted from our oil sector by APC interests, yet Mr. President is asking Nigerians to make more sacrifices.

The PDP makes bold to say that Nigerians have suffered enough in the last three and half years. Asking them to suffer for another four years just to keep President Buhari in office is to ask for too much from a people that have already resolved to do away with purveyors of pain and suffering.

Our party therefore calls on the Nigerian people to look forward to the coming year with great hope and expectations for better days ahead, as they rally behind our candidate, Atiku Abubakar, with his practical solutions to our nation’s problems as well was a ready roadmap for our collective aspiration that guarantees economic recovery and wealth creation immediately he is elected into office in 2019 as the next President of our country.

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