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Omoyele Sowore is a DISRUPTIVE leader that should NOT be denied an opportunity to be heard.

Omoyele Sowore is a DISRUPTIVE leader that should NOT be denied an opportunity to be heard. He deserves to be a part of the BON/NEDG debate.

As much as I’m trying to refrain myself from political posts to dwell more on things that really matter to me, I’m compelled to write this as posterity will judge me if I refuse to lend my voice against this criminality as being perpetuated by the powers that be.

In my opinion and without prejudice to the persons of Madam “Due Process” and the Fantastic Leadership Coach who have been included in the debate, Sowore’s political party enjoys streets credibility across the country and as such, has become the 3rd most popular political party, nationally.

Sowore in a bid to become the President has consulted and continues to consult widely, presenting himself as the best alternative to PMB and others. Sowore met the Ooni of Ife, Emir of Kano, respectable former leaders and more importantly, the Nigerian masses.

But, as much as he tries, a group of cabal who are ready to sustain the status quo continues to shut him down. First, was the arbitrary arrest of campaign volunteers for pasting posters at night by the Police. Who does not know that political posters are pasted at night, so people can wake up to it in morning? That they tore campaign posters of other political parties to paste Sowore’s is a blatant lie from the pit of hell. I met one of the arrested guys some months ago. A fantastic guy. I could have been one of them.

Second, a venue that was PAID for and APPROVED for the Sowore rally in Kano was revoked. The reason given is that the same venue is to be used for PMB, same day. All attempts to be heard by the younger candidates is being rebuffed by the powers that be.

Third, elections can be volatile in a developing country like Nigeria, which was why Sowore requested for Police protection formally during this period. It is on record that the Police have refused to grant this request of a Presidential aspirant to be protected. The IGP is simply not aware.

Now, they talk about character, what character? What exactly is BON/NEDG afraid of?

That Sowore will take up Mr. President on issues, the promises he never fulfilled and his future plans going forward? Omoyele Sowore is not a regular politician. We need his type to engage Nigerians on critical issues of concern.

What exactly is the need for the Not-Too-Young-To-Rule Act if younger candidates will be denied access to engage past and current leaders during an important debate as this? Omoyele Sowore deserves to be heard. I am particularly interested in him. I want to hear him. I’m not interested in a regular Nigerian politician anymore. I want a future for my children and Nigeria’s unborn generations.

On the basis of popularity and sincerity of purpose, Sowore should be made the 6th Presidential candidate at the debate. Six to Seven out of over Sixty Presidential candidates is fair enough.

Sowore deserves to be heard.

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